Monday, September 16, 2013

How can the FHT in Mount Forest use technology and social media in a patient centred way: A Needs Assessment

How can the FHT in Mount Forest use technology and social media in a patient centred way:  A Needs Assessment
(A quick overview)
 Why bother
·       Very little in the literature about how rural residents access the internet and social media to answer their health related questions – to fill this gap for other rural practitioners
·       Believe that due to physical restraints on technology, many patients prefer data plans associated with mobile devices to desk top computers
·       The FHT wants to provide patients with appropriate educational materials, provide text or email reminders and/or coaching in a way that patients will want to use
·       To provide background for further research into implementation of a patient centred social media program in a rural FM team
Lit Review will include:
·       Info available on suburban vs urban social media, rural internet use in the USA 5 years ago
·       How social media helps patients (benefits of text coaching, blogs and online help groups)
·       Rural docs use tech, urban docs using social media with each other and implications for patients
·       List of usual social media associated w health information
·       How to survey patients about social media and technology
Lit Review is missing:
·       Social media use, lately, in Ontario
·       How to make our patient education resources online patient centred
Purpose and Significance of this study:
·       To direct the implementation of technology and social media into the Mount Forest FHT
·       To provide rural med community with information to improve patient care in their community
·       To discover what information patients want from their FM team to direct implementation of  evidence based info in a patient centred way (matching age, level of health, with tech and questions)
·       To propose a method of surveying a rural community about technology needs
·       To provide background information needed for a pilot study on using handheld devices in health care settings in a patient centred way
Initial Survey Questions
·       What type of technology does pt use to access the internet? (desktop computer, smart phone, tablet)
·       Location most often accesses internet
·       Does patient have privacy with accessing the  internet
·       Which social media does patient use? Which 3 of these do they use most often? (facebook, twitter, email, 4square, snapchat, skype, pinterest, vine, blogs, youtube, massive online gaming, linked in, google +, instagram, other)
·       Age? Level of health on most days?
·       What topics would you like information about from your FD?
·       Do you trust info from blogs etc.? Would you trust information you were directed to from your family doc?
·       Would you like to get email or text reminders of upcoming appointments?
·       How often do you search for information about your health on the internet?

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