Monday, September 16, 2013

Using handheld devices in a patient centered way

Using handheld devices in a patient centered way
Why bother:
·       I’ve been told that patients don’t like when we use our smart phones in front of them, but my experience has been different. I tend to include the patient in my looking up resources and use the HHDs to teach my patients

What the lit review needs to show:
·       Appropriate size of focus groups
·       Survey methods for this type of study
·       How HHDs are being used in medicine
·       What do patients think about technology
·       Is there a difference in use of HHDs bw consultants and learners

What I’ve noticed in the literature so far:
·       All information on HHDs has come up in the past 2 years
·       It is all about what medical professionals think, there’s nothing about what patients think
·       We see lots of HHDs being used in the ER, that they are promoting patient safety and therefore are a technology we need to hang onto
Plan for the study
·       Start with parallel qualitative study on pts and providers
o   Patients:
§  What do patients think about learners with HHDs
§  What do patients think about consultants with HHDs
§  What do pts think HHDs are for
§  What aspects of use of HHDs do pts enjoy vs. wish we wouldn’t do
§  What do you use google for vs. what do you think your doc uses it for
§  Are you aware of resources accessible by hhds (google scholar, uptodate, apps)
o   Docs:
§  What do learners think about consultants using HHDs and vice versa
§  What do learners (consultants) think about their peers using HHDs
§  Do you use hhds with pts? How?
§  Are you comfortable suing HHds with pts, why? Why not?
§  What do you think that pts think of your HHDs
·       Follow up with large, multicentre surveys informed by qualitative results
o   Compare community, academic, rural settings
o   Survey patients and providers

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